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Nag Champa Incense, Goloka
Nag Champa Incense, Goloka
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What is masala incense?
What is masala incense?
Incense made using the traditional masala method are the most famous Indian incenses. They often contain naturally scented ingredients such as herbs, flowers and resins. Incense are rolled by hand and the fragrance ingredients are mixed into a finished mass that is rolled around a bamboo stick.
Masala incense have a finer structure and may also burn more unevenly, but they are still among the best quality incenses in the world.
The fragrance of incenses is often strong and their burning time is about 30-45 minutes. The fragrance of masala incense creates an atmosphere that is hard to compare with others.
What backflow?
What backflow?
Backflow incense are hollow incense cones pressed into shape.
Burning the incense releases hot air in the form of smoke, but the air stays cooler in the cavity inside the cone. The smoke flows beautifully downwards and this type of incense is designed to be burned in its own special holder.
Place the backflow incense on the top of the holder and light the incense as usual. Let the incense burn on the flame for a while and then blow out the flame.
Enjoy the smooth flow of smoke along with the atmospheric aroma.
More information about Goloka
More information about Goloka
Goloka is a manufacturer known for its quality, which donates the profits from its operations to charity. The handmade incenses are non-toxic and nature-friendly, and no child labor or animal testing has been used in their production.
Goloka Nag champa incense is known worldwide for its light and earthy fragrance. Goloka Nag champa incense has a unique blend of resin and essential oils of herbs and flowers. A deep and pleasant fragrance suitable for every moment.
Nag champa options
Masala 16gr
The package contains 16 grams of incense sticks, about 12-15 pieces. One incense weighs about 2 grams and burns for about 40 minutes. Packed in a packaging made of recycled cardboard.
Availability in assortments
The popular fragrance is also available as backflow incense. The package contains 24 pieces of backflow incense. The burning time of one cone is about 30-45 minutes. Packed in a round metal box. Backflow incense is designed to be burned in its own dedicated incense holder.
Wholesale lot (Masala 12 pcs)
The wholesale lot contains 12 incense packages. A larger purchase batch aimed at retailers and large consumers.
Fragrance oil 10ml
Nag champa room fragrance is an effective mood lifter and stress reliever.

Miellyttävä tuoksu, yksi suosikeista.
Todella vahva, maskuliininen kukkaistuoksu. Hyvä, jos pidät vahvoista suitsukkeista ja Nag Champasta. Luonnollisempi kuin esim. Satya.
5/5. Sopii hyvin meditoinnin kanssa tai vaikka muuten vaan päivää piristämään.
5/5 ostan lisää
Todella pehmeä ja hunajainen tuoksu - kuitenkin sen verran kevyt, ettei dominoi asunnossa liikaa. Tuoksussa voi löytää sheavoin kaltaisia aromeja ja kukkaisia vivahteita. Yksi ihan ehdottomista suosikeista! Todella lämmin, rauhoittava ja hyvän mielen tuoja.