Frankincense Incense, Auroshikha
Frankincense Incense, Auroshikha
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Auroshikha frankincense incense (also olibani, olibanum, frankinsensi) is traditional and one of the oldest known incenses. A popular incense to burn in meditation for its cleansing effect.
Frankincense has a mood-enhancing effect and is also used in religious rituals for protection and to nurture love. Incense is made from sandalwood powder mixed with benzoin and olibanum tree resins.
Frankincense alternatives
Marbling, 10g
The Marbling package contains incense sticks with a net weight of 10 grams, the number of incense sticks is about 10 pieces. The burning time of one incense is about 40 minutes.
Frankincense resin, 50g
Suitsukepikha (i.e. resin, eng. resin) is pure incense in its traditional form. The bag of frankincense resin has a net weight of 50 grams. The aromas bound to the resin are best released with specially prepared carbons. If desired, the coarse grain can be ground smaller, for example in a mortar.
Frankincense resin is burned on a fire-resistant base, for example a cauldron or a ceramic scented lantern.
Read more about incense resin and usage instructions in our blog.
Incense charcoal
Incense pot, cauldron
Scented lanterns
Information about incense resin and instructions for use

Yksi monista lemppareistani. Koko sarja Auroshikha, on tosi hyvän ja miellyttävän tuoksuisia.
Hyvä tuoksuinen suitsuke, halusin juuri olibanumia seremonia tarkoitukseen.