Aloe vera Incense, Hem
Aloe vera Incense, Hem
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Hem Aloe vera incense can relieve muscle tension and insomnia. The Aloe vera plant has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times.
The plant originates from the northeastern and eastern parts of Africa and Madagascar, from where it quickly spread to other parts of the world thanks to its many healing properties.
The Aloe vera plant is believed to alleviate respiratory diseases, muscle tension, rheumatism, pain and insomnia.
Aloe vera options
The Hexa package contains 20 incense. One incense weighs about 2 grams and burns for about 40 minutes.
Wholesale lot (Hexa 6pcs)
The wholesale lot contains 6 incense packages. A larger purchase batch aimed at retailers and large consumers.
Voimakkuus on riittävä, mutta itse en pitänyt koko tuoksusta. Se oli poltettaessa makean ohella hieman pistävä, ajoittain kitkerä. Ei vastannut mielikuvaa aloe verasta raikkaana parantajakasvina. HEMin muut kukkaistuoksut toimineet tähän mennessä paremmin.
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