French lavender Incense, Auroshikha
French lavender Incense, Auroshikha
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Auroshikha French lavender is a lavender-fragrant incense. The fragrance of lavender is one of the most commonly known fragrances. The fragrance is suitable for relaxation and refreshment.
Lavender's fresh, gentle fragrance has been created by extracting French lavender into essential oil. Lavender is often used to support restful sleep.
French Lavender options
Marbling, 10g
The Marbling package contains incense sticks with a net weight of 10 grams, the number of incense is about 10 pieces. The burning time of one incense is about 40 minutes.
Cone incense are pressed incense that do not contain bamboo slats. Incense must be burned on a fire-resistant surface. The burning time of the cones is about 30 minutes.

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