White Sage & Peppermint, Herbal Incense
White Sage & Peppermint, Herbal Incense
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Valkoisen salvian ja piparmintun yhdistelmä
White Sage & Peppermint is one of the most popular herbal incense combinations. Both herbs have their own special properties, but together the properties of these herbs are emphasized.
The effect of white sage is mainly cleansing. Sage is often used in prayers and ceremonies, as it cleans the aura and environment and removes heavy energies.
Peppermint is best known for cooking, but it also smells nice as incense. It has a refreshing and calming effect. As an incense, peppermint is associated with purity, liberation and renewal.
The size of the White Sage & Peppermint pouch is about 12 x 4 cm and the weight is about 25 grams. The bunch is tied together with cotton thread.
Origin: California, USA.
Voimakas tuoksuinen ja tehokas energioiden puhdistukseen. Tästä tuli suosikkini puhtaan salvian rinnalle.