Hem Corporation
Opium Incense, Hem
Opium Incense, Hem
Out of stock
What is backflow?
What is backflow?
Backflow incense are hollow incense cones pressed into shape.
Burning incense releases hot air in the form of smoke, but the air stays cooler in the cavity inside the cone. The smoke flows beautifully downwards and this type of incense is designed to be burned in its own special holder.
Place the backflow incense on the top of the holder and light the incense as usual. Let the incense burn on the flame for a while and then blow out the flame.
Enjoy the smooth flow of smoke along with the atmospheric fragrance.
Hem Opium incense is a soft warm and slightly sweet floral fragrance. The fragrance of opium is suitable for dark winter evenings and seductive moments. Incense does not contain intoxicating ingredients.
Opium options
The Hexa package contains 20 incense. One incense weighs about 2 grams and burns for about 40 minutes.
The cone package contains 10 incense sticks and a small metal tray. One incense weighs about 2 grams and burns for about 30 minutes.
The package contains 40 pieces backflow incense. The burning time of one incense is about 30-45 minutes. Backflow incense is designed to be burned in its own dedicated incense holder.
Availability in assortments:
Wholesale lot (Hexa 6pcs)
The wholesale lot contains 6 incense packages. A larger purchase batch aimed at retailers and large consumers.

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